Thursday, May 30, 2013

Welcome To My New Blog

A warm welcome to everyone to my new blog!

Although I am not totally new to blogging, this is my first solo effort! Inspired by so many great bloggers here in Canada and throughout the world, I enthusiastically join the blogging community, hopeful and confident, that my God given gifts, will in some way benefit others.

I think it is only forthcoming that I begin by explaining why I am doing this and what I hope to accomplish! This blogging effort was a result of dedicated and consistent prayer, seeking the answer from God, as to what else can I do to share my gifts with others. The answer came one day when I was reciting the Rosary: blogging!

The decision to blog was also made clear by the ease with which Google's blog platform accommodates such an endeavour! Together with my faith, knowledge, experience, understanding, creative endeavours, awareness and observations, I hope to contribute to my local community, striving to make it a better place to live in.

I have decided to blog also as a matter of highlighting some of the societal issues facing my community and Canadian society in general. There is no doubt in my mind that some of the problems we are facing here in Canada, mirror many other parts of the world. Hopefully, my posts will help others, no matter where they may be! 

Much of what I intend to share stems my Catholic faith journey and the knowledge that I have acquired not only regarding fundamental and other aspects of the Catholic faith, but the truths that the Catholic faith has revealed about a variety of topics, issues and controversies.

For Catholics and Christians alike, Jesus Christ is "...the way, the truth and the life..." (John 14:6). The teachings of the Catholic Church have always been for me, a first step to acquiring an understanding. In today's deceptive world, we can sometimes forget how important it is to begin with resources based on the truth! I hope all visitors to my blog will benefit from the truth!

To all who visit my blog, I thank you for doing so! Please feel free to share your thoughts with me and if you so consider my efforts worthy, let's connect and collectively improve this global village we all live in!  

God bless to everyone!
